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About the School


President's Welcome,

Bethea Theological Bible College has grown substantially through the years and we continually look to the future while holding fast to the heritage of our faith. Our students and faculty reflect that common vision. In the classroom and the pulpit, we practice the eternal values that are taught and lived at Bethea Institute of Biblical Studies shares in the fellowship of the nondenominational Christian Churches and independent Churches of Christ upholding and honoring the principles of the Restoration Movement.  


We take our faith seriously and believe in living out our beliefs daily and basing them on solid Biblical truths.  We encourage and support the living out of faith in our students and seek to instill a Christian Worldview.


Dr. J. W. Bethea

Our Mission

To engage believers in the cause of Christ. Equip them with the knowledge of Scripture. A global vision for effective service in their church,communities,and the world, and to strengthen local Churches thought the ministries of our students. To make every effort to be true to Almighty God word and loyal to his purpose.


Admission to Bethea Institute of Biblical is based upon the character, ability and motivation to satisfactory Complete academic requirement of the Institute. It also depends on the call to ministry and moral character of the individual.


Students must maintain personal integrity and respect for those of other Christian faiths groups.also for spiritual growth and readiness to accept correction if needed for full potential.


The school dose not discriminate on basic of race, sex, color, nationality, religion or ethnic origin.this school is dedicated to promoting Cristian education. Students can earn a certificate or diploma in Biblical studies. The school is open to Pastors, Ministers, Evangelist, Male, Female, Laypersons, Decons, Sunday School Teachers and all others.


Be prepared for your ministry. One planteth  another waterth and God giveth the create. Come and sow the mustard seed. School Scripture 2 Tim: 2:15 . Study to she's thyself approval unto God. A workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly diving the Word of truth.


School president and founder-


Dr.John W Bethea

Our Core Values

In fulfilling this mission we are committed to:


- The ultimate authority and sufficiency of the Word of God -

- A Biblically sound partnership with the local church -

- An intellectually rigorous pursuit of ultimate and applied truth -

- A global perspective of the body of Christ -

- A spirit of gracious yet fearless engagement in the world -

- Learning that consists of content, incarnation, and action -

- An education accessible to all who truly desire it -

- Knowledge which results in humility rather than arrogance -


1065 Progress St
Fayetteville, Cumberland County 28306


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