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Important Facts About Bethea Institute of Biblical Studies


-Established since 2007

-Any serious minded Christian adult may enroll

-Strictly a Bible centered curriculum

-Many famous graduates

-75% of all students & graduates are in full-time ministry

-We train pastors, educator, Christian counselors, missionaries, evangelists and laymen

-No secular degrees are offered

-Accredited by a private accrediting association (non-secular)*

-Full-time Christian workers may qualify to earn a degree by thesis or dissertation and receive free life-experience credits

-Reasonable tuition cost; Save 20% by paying all fees at time of enrollment

-Non-discriminatory policy

-Conservative theologically

-50% tuition discount for spouse who enrolls with other spouse


Statement of Faith & Facts About Bethea Institute of Biblical Studies


Statement of Faith:


We believe in the verbal inspiration of the 66 books of the Bible in its original writings and that it is without error and is the sole authority in all matters of faith and practice.


We believe there is only one true God, existing in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are co-eternal and coequal from all eternity, each with distinct personalities but of one essence.


We believe that Adam was created without sin, but fell by disobedience and thus the whole race fell and is by nature spiritually dead and lost.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, coexistent with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and that He came to the world, born of a virgin, shed His blood on Calvary as a vicarious substitute for all sin, that He was buried and rose again bodily and ascended to the right hand of the Father.


We believe in the personal work of the Holy Spirit which includes conviction of sin, regeneration of sinners and in-dwelling believers.


We believe that a soul is saved when Christ is accepted as personal Savior and Lord and the Holy Spirit imparts eternal life.


We believe in the Premillennial Second Coming of the Lord, in the bodily resurrection of the righteous dead at His coming, and in an endless Heaven for all the redeemed and an endless punishment for the lost.


Earn a College or Seminary Degree 


We'll also provide...


•  Life experience credit for full-time Christian workers

•  Special alternative programs for those with previous education


Come and study with us and learn more of God.

Almighty God will give the increase.


I would like to extend a personal invitation to any serious born-again believer to join us in studying the word of God and earn a degree at the same time.


We will extend to you:


•  A Free Evaluation

•  An Interest-Free Payment Plan

•  Outstanding Bible Curriculum

•  No Course Repetition

•  Individual Attention

•  Systematic Studies



We'll also provide...


•  Life experience credit for full-time Christian workers

•  Special alternative programs for those with previous education


Why We what a Bible college ought to be. The curriculum is designed to train men and women for Christian service. Pastors, Educators, Evangelists, Missionaries, Sunday School Teachers, as well as all adult born-again believers, (regardless of denominational affiliation) are welcome to enroll with Bethea Institute of Biblical Studies.


Dr. John W Bethea, Founder

Mary E Bethea, President

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